
is it rare to find a gentle person

Gentleness tin feel similar a lost cause and a waste product of time. Especially when it comes to standing up for ourselves and other people in the face up of a brutal and hostile earth.

But I believe there is more to gentleness than meets the eye. And while some may feel tempted to conceptualise it as flimsy or weak, it's not. In fact, it sits every bit the backbone of deep inner strength and human being resilience.

Gentleness creates the conditions for better relationships and healthier lives.

It is underpinned by a deep spirit of rebellion and is always an selection when nosotros feel stuck in life's weeds. Because information technology tin can radically influence how we hold ourselves, relate to others, and engage with our future hopes and dreams.

As a result, nosotros can find fertile ground for more deep, intentional, and meaningful growth to occur in and around our lives.

So let's spend some time looking at what gentleness is (and isn't), in order to nurture the conditions for more of information technology to emerge through the cracks.


  • What IS Gentleness? | 0:57
    • How Do Most People Describe Gentleness? | ten:36
    • Gentleness is Strength | 13:00
    • Gentleness is Rebellion | 13:59
    • Gentleness is Compassion | 26:22
    • Gentleness is Rhythm | 28:36
    • Gentleness is Joy | 29:24
    • Gentleness is Large Enough To Hold All of Us | 30:26
    • Gentleness is Awareness | 32:00
    • Gentleness is Playful | 35:06
  • What Does Gentleness Make Possible? | 19:36
    • Universalising Connection | twenty:fourteen
    • Rubber | 21:00
    • Inventiveness | 21:14
    • Culture | 21:38
  • How to Create The Conditions for Gentleness | 22:thirty
    • Holding On | 22:47
    • Letting Get | 25:00
  • Conclusion | 26:23
Gentleness is Always an Option

What IS Gentleness? | 0:57

To be honest, gentleness is not easy to define. Just that's as well part of what makes it and then cute to think near.

You can't bundle it. Or sell it. And you tin can't forcefulness information technology into a 5 pace process.

Gentleness is more like an ever-present question. It speaks softly into the space betwixt the lines of life. And information technology invites u.s.a. to pause and reverberate on the kind of globe we are creating with the choices we are making.

How Practice Most People Describe Gentleness? | ten:36

Caring. Kind. Intentional. Softness. Compactness. Accepting. Belongings Account. Trustworthy. Warmth. Patience. Tiresome. Absorbing. Engulfing. Enriching. Unconditional. Safety. Humility. Nurturing. Avoiding deliberate harm. Mindful. Integrity. Calmness under pressure level. Honesty. Grit. Respect. Backbone. Volition. "A firm dorsum and a soft front end". Patience. Domicile. Responsibility. Open. Accepting mistakes. Wholehearted. Peace. Encouraging. Padded.

These are words that were sent to me when I asked readers how they would define gentleness.

It seems articulate to me now that gentleness is a forcefulness of the in-between.

Indeed it is neither "this nor that". It is both soft and business firm. It holds to account while accepting mistakes. Likewise, information technology is condom and gritty, potent and apprehensive.

Gentleness is Strength | thirteen:00

Gentleness breeds peace, integrity, and consistency of character. Information technology is non volatile or abrupt in its response to the world. Information technology is able to hold, blot, and soften the harsh edges of life.

"Well-nigh of u.s., I believe, admire forcefulness. It's something we tend to respect in others, desire for ourselves, and wish for our children. Sometimes, though, I wonder if we confuse forcefulness and other words–like assailment and even violence. Real strength is neither male person nor female; but is, quite but, ane of the finest characteristics that any man can possess." – Mr Rogers

This quote suggests that on the ane paw, gentleness is forcefulness. While simultaneously true force comes from a place with gentleness at its cadre.

Gentleness is Rebellion | 13:59

I started using the term 'gentle rebel' many years ago. Specifically, as a way to describe introverted and sensitive artistic people.

The rebel part was the fact that, by definition, authentic introverts and sensitive types go against the expectations of an extrovert-centric world. They movement to the trounce of their ain drum rather than angle themselves out of shape to fit club's mould.

But nosotros can see gentleness as more than a feature of a item personality blazon. It speaks to something deeper. And more than universal. Something for all of usa.

Gentleness doesn't grow when nosotros act past the logic of violent systems.

Gentleness expresses a soft, firm no. An believing no. A creative no. It says no to these cycles of violence which but make usa smaller and the world more fragmented.

Gentleness is Compassion | 26:22

Gentleness knows how to exist however and silent. It is a model of being.

It doesn't belittle, diminish, or dismiss the pain of others. And it doesn't seek to awkwardly fill the silence with frenetic noise and activeness when people shed their tears.

Compassion means to "endure with". Information technology is an unconditional presence. Holding the other person in a manner then they feel seen, heard, and a little less alone.

This is gentleness in action. And rebellion in a world that feels uncomfortable when people are too real.

Gentleness is Rhythm | 28:36

We don't have to see the effect to know the upshot is taking identify. In an impatient world, the ability to wait is an act of gentle rebellion.

When everything else is trying to distract united states of america, gentleness is rooted in something deeper.

It's like the ocean. Where waves are erosion in action. Likewise, water reminds usa that the pocket-sized things we exercise over time add up and make a difference. Even if we tin can't run across it actively happening in existent-time.

Gentleness is committed to the things that matter most. Consequently, information technology has the confidence to allow become of everything else. And information technology trusts the in-between.

Gentleness is Joy | 29:24

Gentleness doesn't demand a purpose for everything, but it can detect purpose in annihilation. We find joy in those cracks and crevices between those lines where gentleness thrives.

Joy bonds united states of america to one another in the struggles of heartbreak and grief. It tin fuel our sense of longing to render abode and our yearning to find somewhere new.

Despite our contradictions, gentleness has the space to concur them all. Not only that, but it'due south besides here where our creative outpourings brainstorm to menses.

Joy helps usa stop and taste, scent, feel, see, and hear what the world is telling us. And it breathes life into the depth of our beings.

Gentleness is Big Enough To Hold All of United states | 30:26

Much of the violence that threatens to take over the human spirit stems from a belief in provisional belonging. Society tells us we must be, exercise, and have certain things in social club to fit in. Appropriately, this can inspire us to bury, hide, or change certain parts of who nosotros really are.

Susan Cain says, "the globe is scared of the dark. Mod culture says smile, become over it, motility on. Normative sunshine tin can distract you from your rightful heritage."

What happens when nosotros are afraid of the dark? Nosotros sleepwalk around in artificial light, concealing the things we are agape others will see.

But this doesn't have to be the example. Because gentleness is unafraid of the nighttime.

And it accepts who we are at the core level of our beingness.

Gentleness starts when nosotros have our own unconditional belonging. When we accept that we are accepted and adequate, right where we are.

Gentleness is Awareness | 32:00

In a land of deep awareness, the things we hold don't bleed us.

Alacrity, on the other hand, e'er gives u.s. reasons to be afraid.

The problem is that much of the earth wants to keep usa tied to a state of urgency and alertness.

Have you come beyond the word "Sonder"?

Sonder is a type of awareness that we can utilize to connect more than deeply with ane another in gentle ways.

"Each random passerby is living a life equally vivid and complex as our ain. Everyone has a subjective experience of the world, populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited quirks. Unique memories, experiences, and traumas write an epic story that continues invisibly around yous like an anthill sprawling deep underground. With elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that we will never know existed, in which nosotros might appear but once. As an extra sipping coffee in the background, equally a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk." – From The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Gentleness is Playful | 35:06

Life is infused with a spirit of playfulness. Gentleness and play are never far from each other.

But we can exist quick to let go of both when we succumb to the judgement of the world around united states.

Gentleness and play are accomodating and inviting. They enhance our sense of curiosity, timelessness, and wonder. And they assistance us swallow pride, counter the hardened heart of cynicism, and let become of any fear about what others might recall of us.

What Does Gentleness Brand Possible? | nineteen:36

Universalising Connection | 20:fourteen

Gentleness holds space for everyone. It doesn't discriminate when it comes to upholding cadre universal values.

Safety | 21:00

Gentleness underpins the kind of safety nosotros might experience in the quiet presence of someone we know we tin can trust with our life. It is a reassuring phonation that tells us it'due south OK to be who we are, where we are, as we are.

Creativity | 21:14

Gentleness provides the conditions for us to keep trying, learning and growing. Information technology is a voice of encouragement, which says it's fine to make mistakes and fail. Not only that, but it actively thanks us on as we exercise so. Helping us to share who we truly are with the earth.

Civilisation | 21:38

Gentleness holds space for the earth to emerge from the values we collectively decide matter near to u.s.. It helps society unite and grow, intentionally sowing seeds for the future together.

How to Create The Conditions for Gentleness | 22:thirty

Gentleness looks different for everyone. It shows upwards differently depending on the state of affairs. And it calls each of us to focus on different things. Information technology's dynamic and expansive.

But one thing is always true. Information technology starts with how we are held, and how we concord.

Property On | 22:47

If you pick upwardly an animal and hold it in a way it doesn't like, you will soon know about it.

It'due south the same with people. We can hold things (and i another) very ungently. Too tightly, possessively, or personally.

Merely what happens when nosotros concur on like this?

We force people into corners, causing them to act out of character in order to save face. We reinforce the story nosotros want to believe about them by treating them in a certain way. They may resist, struggle, and fight back.

But another person'south resistance doesn't necessarily evidence our betoken well-nigh them. It might be an opportunity to call back about the role we are playing.

Besides, what happens when it feels like WE are existence held too tightly?

Nether those circumstances, we as well might instinctively recoil, lash out, and fight back.

Letting Go | 25:00

There is another side to this, however. Because when we are held gently we relax, we experience prophylactic, and we let go of needing to prove anything or fight.

Under those circumstances, we finish feeling and then tense and worked up. We can first working in partnership with, rather than in opposition against the world around us.

Nosotros tin can brainstorm creating the atmospheric condition for more gentleness when we start to recognise the impact of this stuff. Where we might exist trying to wriggle free or striking out. And where nosotros are holding things so tightly that we are squeezing the life out of them.

So how can we concur the world with more gentleness?

Conclusion | 26:23

Gentleness supports and nurtures u.s.a. with its firm back and a soft front.

When nosotros hold and are held with gentleness, nosotros are allowed to become what we really are. And so gentle IS the path of rebellion in a hostile world. And it's always an option.

It might just accept a fiddling bit of creative thinking.


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